Last spring we opened the Ladner Community Garden, the first community garden for Ladner. If you walked by last year the rock garden in the front of the community garden looked like this. Neighbours watched as volunteer and board director, Sharon, hauled rock by rock one at the a time to complete the garden. Did you know that she used reclaimed driveways? Four Delta residents were replacing their driveways and we took their cement as long as it didn't contain any wire or rebar. The concrete was inspected before drop off to ensure it was suitable.
Here it just built and ready for planting. As gardeners there is no shortage of plants. We often came to the garden to see plants waiting for us. Thank you to those who contributed and to the garden centers who helped us out.
Sharon planted the main perennials and shrubs first, them came the colour. It has to be look good all the time according to Sharon and it does. Check out these Nasturtiums that she grew from seed.
Perennials like Rudbeckia have attracted beneficial insects to our garden helping to pollinate our vegetable crops. This year, our second year has been a bountiful harvest.
Sharon has put hundreds of hours in to this garden to have it looking this way and we can't thank her enough.
The fall flowers are opening and lots of yellow brightens up the garden. Coreopsis is a favourite and I know Sharon is looking for more of this type.
Snapdragons are an old fashioned favourite in the garden adding pastel tones to soften the garden.
The Sedum 'Autumn Joy' is already buzzing with bees in anticipation of its blooms.
I love this Ajuga, which if not placed properly can be a thug in the garden. In the rockery it is easier to maintain its spread. How can one resist these colours?
So if you walk by stop and enjoy, tread lightly and linger long. We love visitors.
It looks gorgeous. I have yet to come and see the garden but will do.