Ladner Community Garden Newsletter Seed Sow and Grow Upcoming Events and Workshops Tuesday, November 20 7:30 - 9:00 p.m. Evergreen Garden Club Andrea Bellamy will be our guest speaker. She will be speaking on container gardening with edibles at 7:30pm at Kin House in Ladner . Andrea is the author of the popular gardening book, Sugar Snaps and Strawberries. Guests are free. Friday, November 30 5-8 p.m. Open House at West Coast Seeds A special in-store sales event at the West Coast Seeds retail store in Ladner. Everything in the store is 15% off. Refreshments, music and great Christmas Gift ideas for those gardeners on your list. December 1 and 2 Phoenix Perennials Christmas Hurrah! Phoenix is giving 4 different workshops for Christmas Decorating Do -it- Yourself Christmas Rose Containers Christmas Rose Centrepiece Workshop Christmas Rose Wreath Making Workshop Christmas Rose Outdoor Container Workshop For more informatio...
We are a community garden located in Delta, British Columbia. We are passionate about growing food organically.