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Showing posts from March, 2011

Waiting for Approval is Killing Me!

The board of directors of the Ladner Community Garden are so excited! We did a presentation to the Delta Parks Board Commission and our project has been prepared for approval at Delta Council on April 4, 2011. That's only days away and we cant wait to get started building this garden for the residents of Delta. Of course, there are lots of supplies to figure out in advance and they all cost money, something we don't have much of. Tomorrow night we get together to make up our wish list. We need everything from composters, tools to lumber and wheelbarrows. I guess those are the basic supplies to get us started. Upon approval, the city will be installing a water line for us, thank you Delta! A garden cannot grow without water. Once we get the all clear from the city,the land we are using will be leveled and it will be time to mark out the beds, pathways and different areas of the garden.

Our Proposed Community Garden

I am so excited! It seems like this new community garden cannot happen fast enough.The interested parties have already met twice to discuss the garden. I have also met with the city parks department and they showed me a map of this park.They offered its use and was I ever surprised! This park has two sections, a north and a south side with no trees to shade any future gardens. Hubby and I and our team walked the park and it is perfect for what we have planned. The park is about three acres on each side. We decided the north side is the best as far as drainage goes.It has very few neighbours looking towards the park and is right next to a pair of tennis courts, a children's play area and a parking lot. Yes, parking is already there! Now I doubt the city will let us use the whole park but right now it just looks like pasture. I have a feeling it had dairy cows on this site years ago. Just look at its potential. I have been drawing up a garden design, not once but twice now. If you lo...

Ladner Community Garden- How We Began

I have been so busy over the last week I have hardly had time to post until today. I decided last October after visiting Terra Nova Rural Park that I wanted a community garden in my home town. Here we are in a large rural area but we don't grow our own food. Whats with that? Its not like we can buy directly from the farmer and we don't have weekly farmers markets either. All the food that is grown here is shipped to supermarkets all over the country. So why a community garden? It gives residents a fresh supply of healthy nutritious food, plenty of exercise (I see wheelbarrows) and it brings together a community. A community garden will also beautify an area, especially if empty lots are used. Growing your own food teaches people how to be self reliant. For me,I have this addiction to roasted vegetables and want to share my passion for food I think. I mean its just so easy to drop a seed in the soil and watch it grow. What a great way to save money on our food bill. I am all ove...